Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2019)
Phase II Amount
The Aircraft Ramp Reallocation and Visualization with Unanticipated Events (ARRVUE) Phase I solution addressed the identified need for a novel approach to re-planning and re-scheduling when unanticipated work requirements (e.g., corrosion, stress failure, etc.) are identified during initial aircraft inspection at an Air Force Air Logistics Complex (ALC). ARRVUE is a linear programming solution that employs multiple queuing methods to generate conflict-free timeframe and location solutions for ramp spot allocation. TDKCs proposed Phase II efforts support the Air Force Systems Commands (AFSC) Complex of the Future (2014) vision for more efficient depot operations and supply chain enterprise. This effort includes developing an overall design and approach for the integration of all existing and emerging re-planning and scheduling algorithms; specifying a standard set of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that expands on those identified during Phase I to increase up-stream planning efficiency in Fleet Scheduling Systems (FSS) through scheduling adjustments; developing unique and effective role-based dashboards for Schedulers to support in vivo collaborative re-planning; and developing a robust decision support environment and technical re-planning framework that seamlessly integrates all the capabilities into an easy-to-use and easy-to-maintain, portable toolset.
Benefits: The ARRVUE technology will become plug-ins for the TDKC Agile Work Environment (AWE) product line as options for existing AWE customers within the Air Force and other Services. The AWE product with the ARRVUE plug-in library will be marketed to the other agencies and departments. We anticipate commercial opportunities for ARRVUE technology within Phase II and plan to attend conferences, symposiums, and perform continued research to determine additional potential markets for a dedicated tool suite. Examples of potential markets are aircraft manufacturers, aircraft maintenance industries, automotive maintenance and repair facilities, Navy and commercial shipping yards, railways, port authorities, or any enterprise requiring superior oversight of large asset management.
Keywords: Dynamic Operations Re-Planning, Linear Programming Problem Solution, Queuing Theory, Multi-Constraint Re-Planning, Genetic Algorithm, Simulation, Complex Integer Problem Solution, Performance Optimization