In this proposed SBIR program Test Devices, Inc, in conjunction with our industry partners Pratt & Whitney (see letter of support) and Mechanical Solutions, Inc., will leverage our experience in the domain of high temperature full component and subscale testing to develop a concept for an affordable Highly Simulative Subscale Testing (HSST) Facility capable of conducting tests that will measure components under more realistic service environments to include: High temperature (1500F), gradient capability (stretch goal 2000F rim temps) Centrifugal loading and thermal gradients to produce multiaxial stress states at high temperatures (stretch goal 100,000 rpm) Ability to test in controlled atmospheric conditions, primarily the creation of high local pressures and oxidizing environments We believe the USAF and engine OEMs would greatly benefit from the highly-realistic subscale test facility proposed for the HSST concept. We will leverage results from existing prototype work to produce a cost effective concept. The HSST will provide critical new information for the development and validation of coatings, hybrid microstructures, and other advanced material systems as well as support Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME) activities and advances of component design and usage based lifing analysis. The primary deliverables for this project include: HSST Conceptual design including mechanical, instrument, control, and data acquisition Proposed concepts for test samples and associated analytical method to capture microstructural and mechanical behavior Bench Testing to validate microstructural and mechanical modeling Suitable test requirements and test plans for early spin testing Technical and cost trade studies of various methods and instrumentation
Benefit: The development of a highly realistic, yet affordable test capability will help speed the development of new materials and coatings, and provide valuable risk reduction prior to full scale validation testing.
Keywords: Subscale component,