Scalable One-Panel LCoS System for 4k2k and 8k4k Resolutions
Award last edited on: 4/4/2014

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Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Michael Jin

Company Information

Silicon Micro Display Inc

2 Commercial Blvd, Suite 201
Novato, CA 94949
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Marin

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Current HMD systems fall short of the desired 20/20 visual acuity due to resolution limitations of the microdisplays utilized. A high-performance, low-cost microdisplay system is proposed, based on a 4096 x 2240 resolution (4.5um pixel pitch) mixed-signal LCoS backplane developed for Digital Cinema Initiative (DCI) applications, capable of nominal 240 fps (80fps/color) operation and beyond. Digitally-controlled analog pixel signal architecture allows for system-specific color performance varying from 10-18 bit, without overloading the interface bandwidth between the driver board and the backplane, which limit all-digital microdisplays beyond 1080p resolution. Phase I will implement conventional DisplayPort architecture to support deep-color 4k2k content inputs, utilizing the experience with 3-D 1080p consumer product (ST1080) release. Firmware and support software development for frame-buffering, color correction, and basic OSD (On Screen Display) features for system implementations will be completed. Phase I will also address the feasibility of further pixel reduction to 3.6 um pitch based on an innovative pixel architecture for 8k4k (33 Mpx) microdisplays for next-generation visual acuity and FOV HMD applications.

A glass-type wearable prototype evaluation consisting of 4k2k resolution microdisplay for each eye will be fabricated, establishing a solid foundation for a highly-scalable microdisplay system comprised of microdisplay, driver board hardware/firmware, and mixed-signal high-bandwidth cabling for Phase II effort where customizable flexible microdisplay system for specific high-resolution military (HMD) and commercial (medical, industrial, cinema, etc.) applications will be fine-tuned and prototyped.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
For the next generation of wide field-of-view (FOV) helmet-mounted displays (HMDs) and virtual simulators that satisfy the 20/20 visual acuity requirement, a microdisplay and drive circuitry subsystem solution with commensurate resolution is needed. To address this need, a compact control board system with 2 outputs of 1080p resolution was successfully developed and utilized in Phase I to drive two quadrants of a 3840x2160 (4K UHD) image area within Silicon Micro Display?s 4096x2240 microdisplay with 4.5um pixel pitch. At the end of the Phase I effort, a 4K UHD resolution Color-Ultrahigh-Definition-Micro Display (4K CUDM) subsystem prototype goggle consisting of a pair of 4K UHD resolution Liquid-Crystal-on-Silicon (LCoS) microdisplays each driven by a pair of the developed driver board, operating at 240 Hz field-sequential-color (FSC) mode set was delivered to the Air Force. The Phase I results will be extended in Phase II towards realizing a single driver board-based 3-D CUDM system with flexibility built in for motion sensor and symbology overlay input upgrades. The scalability of the resulting CUDM and driver board architecture will land itself readily to the next generation jump in CUDM technology toward 7860x4320 (8K UHD) resolution.

The goal of Phase II is to exit with a 4K CUDM Subsystem that is limited-production-ready (LP-ready) and ready for full system integration and product development. LP-readiness means that the 4K CUDM Subsystem is sufficiently developed, characterized, and reliable for a limited volume pre-production run to support third-party integration for system development. Additionally, our objective is to have a robust, manufacturable, and cost-effective 4K CUDM Subsystem that can be in volume production within 6 to 12 after Phase II. The market opportunities for the 4K CUDM Subsystem include disparate applications in the military, profession/commercial, medical, and consumer gaming markets. The military market?Air Force in particular?represents the greatest market opportunity because: ? Applications are well-defined, understood, and mature ? High resolution (4K UHD and beyond) and large FOV requirements are established ? Application areas are numerous and diverse, representing the largest potential volume. Therefore, the Air Force is our key end-customer for use in applications like the Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System (JHMCS). Other military applications include HMD systems for pilots (all aircraft), tankers, and dismounted combatants in both tactical and training simulators. Professional/commercial applications include simulation training for Homeland Security, police force, and 3D CAD engineering applications. Medical applications include devices for ophthalmic disease diagnosis and therapy, surgical simulation trainers, and remote robotic surgical visualization systems. The consumer video game market holds promise, but the economics will follow in the wake of military and professional system implementations.

4k2k And 8k4k, Microdisplay, Hmd, High Resolution Display, Large Fov, Lcos, Silicon Micro Display Smd Siliconmicrodisplay, 4k Uhd And 8k Uhd