Discovery Semiconductors will assemble high power InGaAs/InP photodiodes with 50 ohm internal termination in a fiber-pigtailed, W1-connectorized microwave package having the following specifications: (a) Responsivity>0.7 A/W at 1550 nm wavelength; (b) -3 dB Bandwidth>60 GHz; (c) -9 dB Bandwidth>80 GHz; (d) 1 dB Compression Photocurrent>50 mA @ 60 GHz modulation frequency and>50% modulation depth; and (e) 1 dB Compression Photocurrent Density>0.64 mA/um^2. One packaged device will be delivered each to Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company and Air Force for system level testing. Additionally, packaging techniques for balanced and arrayed photodiodes will be investigated.
Benefit: The anticipated benefits/applications of this work are :(1) 60 GHz cellular; (2) Hybrid fiber/wireless systems from X-Band to W-Band; (3)Optical phased array radar; and (4)Space systems fiber optic transponders.