With the tremendously successful Phase I effort, Third Dimension Technologies (TDT), in collaboration with Lockheed Martin, Rickard Consulting Group and APTUS, plans in Phase II to create, test and evaluate a gaming-based training and rehearsal environment known as the W3DGE (Warfighter 3D Gaming Environment). The Air Force has a need for a lower-cost, more deployable tactical training and rehearsal environment for fifth-generation multi-role fighters. To address this need, TDT proposes the W3DGE as a stand-alone/networked (individual/teams) gaming environment that can travel anywhere and be assembled in hours. W3DGE integrates TDTs advanced Holographic Angular Slice 3D Display (HAS3D) with Lockheeds Prepar3D, a game-based professional training and simulation environment. HAS3D reproduces all human visual cuesincluding head motion parallax and vergence-accommodation cuesand will provide W3DGE with true 3D, high acuity visuals. Lockheeds Prepar3D with its new SimDirector tool will allow Air Force training and operations personnel to create scenarios to simulate, train and analyze classified fifth-generation missions and tactics. TDT plans in Phase II to demonstrate and deliver a fully functional hardware and software W3DGE prototype that offers the Air Force a sustainable architecture to enhance fidelity and maintain concurrency as needed.
Benefit: TDT sees significant commercialization potential for the products resulting from Phase II. TDTs first planned product will be the W3DGE, a low-cost, high fidelity, game-based, deployable F -35 Lightning II mission training and rehearsal simulator. Potential customers include the Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, eight international partner nations and twenty-three other allied countries. TDT has also identified important commercialization potential for TDTs HAS3D display technology, which will be integrated with W3DGE. In particular, Lockheed Martin has expressed interest in TDTs display technology for simulator applications (particularly cross-cockpit configurations), and other prospective strategic partners have shown interest in the technology for collaborative environments, oil & gas reservoir management and robotic surgery. TDT has identified future opportunities in geospatial intelligence analysis, diagnostic radiology, medical training, satellite tracking, computer-aided design and command and control applications. Phase II will allow TDT to showcase its 3D display capability and secure funding for development of the W3DGE and 3D display products.
Keywords: game-based training systems, high fidelity tactical training, tailorable training environments, performance based deployable training, true 3D display