Affordable Sub-array for TT&C Phased Array Antennas
Award last edited on: 12/11/2013

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Robert G Schmier

Company Information

Alpha Omega Electromagnetics LLC (AKA: AOE)

24 Cascade Road
Arnold, MD 21012
   (410) 626-7682
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Anne Arundel

Phase I

Contract Number: FA8650-13-M-1684
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This Phase I SBIR research addresses an important and timely technological need, specifically the practical development and demonstration of a very low-cost, multi-frequency, multi-beam phased array subarray technology. This low-cost subarray technology is the fundamental building block required for the practical realization of a large hemispherical phased array useful for horizon-to-horizon simultaneous coverage of multi-satellite Tracking, Telemetry and Command (TT & C) systems such as that employed by the Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN). As demonstrated by the Geodesic Dome Phased Array Antenna (GDPAA) Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) effort, the success of this endeavor rests heavily upon the development of a low cost subarray architecture. Under this proposed effort, Alpha Omega Electromagnetics (AOE) will conduct both mechanical and electrical evaluations and analysis of several planar subarray architectures with the objective of developing a very low cost subarray that will provide equivalent performance to the current state-of-the-art L- and S-band subarray developed by AOE under the GDPAA ATD program and the Advanced Electronic Components for Sensor Arrays (AECSA) program. Results from this investigation will then be used to select a final candidate subarray architecture for design, fabrication and demonstration in a follow-on Phase II effort.

The results of this research will provide one of the critical technologies needed to support the realization of a large, hemispherical phased array antenna capable of horizon-to-horizon coverage. This array will be capable of providing multiple links to simultaneously support several control operations ranging from low altitude to geostationary satellites in different directions. The resulting subarray technology should have far reaching applications including serving as a basic building block of an ESA for the air and space traffic control as well as satellite communication. An additional application of the aperture technology developed under this SBIR will be for mobile applications where the subarray (or groups of subarrays) alone will serve as the complete functional antenna.

Phase II

Contract Number: FA8650-14-C-1816
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
This Phase II SBIR research addresses an important and timely technological need, specifically the practical development and demonstration of a very low-cost, multi-frequency, multi-beam phased array subarray technology. This low-cost subarray technology is the fundamental building block required for the practical realization of a large hemispherical phased array useful for horizon-to-horizon simultaneous coverage of multi-satellite Tracking, Telemetry and Command (TT&C) systems such as that employed by the Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN). As demonstrated by the Geodesic Dome Phased Array Antenna (GDPAA) Advanced Technology Demonstration (ATD) effort, the success of this endeavor rests heavily upon the development of a low cost subarray architecture. Under this proposed effort, Alpha Omega Electromagnetics (AOE) will demonstrate, with hardware, a very low cost planar subarray architecture that will provide equivalent performance to the current state-of-the-art L- and S-band subarray developed by AOE under the GDPAA ATD program and the Advanced Electronic Components for Sensor Arrays (AECSA) program. The results of this demonstration will yield a subarray architecture with a very high readiness level that will be suitable for use in a GDPAA for AFSCN as well as many other phased array applications.

The results of this research will provide one of the critical technologies needed to support the realization of a large, hemispherical phased array antenna capable of horizon-to-horizon coverage. This array will be capable of providing multiple links to simultaneously support several control operations ranging from low altitude to geostationary satellites at different directions. The resulting subarray technology should have far reaching applications including serving as a basic building block of an ESA for the air and space traffic control as well as satellite communication. An additional application of the aperture technology developed under this SBIR will be for mobile applications where the subarray (or groups of subarrays) alone will serve as the complete functional antenna.

Phased Array Antenna, Active Array Antenna, Hemispherical Array Antenna, Antenna Subarray, Satellite Control, Radiating Element, Rf Beam Forming Network