eXtreme wrist computer (Xwatch)
Award last edited on: 4/28/2015

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Nirali Patel

Company Information

Coherent Logix Inc (AKA: Spec)

1120 S Capital Of Texas Hwy Bldg 3 Suite
Austin, TX 78746
   (512) 382-8940
Location: Single
Congr. District: 37
County: Travis

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The eXtreme wrist computer (Xwatch) Program leverages significant previous and on-going investment in processor, RF, rapid product development, integration and miniaturization efforts by Coherent Logix, Incorporated. The proposed Xwatch program has been structured to work closely with industry to create the military version of an iPhone, but with ubiquitous communication, position, navigation, and computer capability in the form factor of a watch with an expandable display. The Phase I program will begin with working with industry on product requirements, using the requirements to develop a preliminary design specification, and create and demonstrate the hardware development platform to facilitate immediate SW development by customers. The Phase II program is anticipated to proceed with detailed design of the form factor reference platform which results in demonstrating clear visibility that the resulting system can transition into a viable product. Beyond Phase II, the reference platform will be brought to production by partners and/or 3rd party OEMs.

Systems with multiple capabilities integrated into a single device, for example, a radio with a voice and data capability, biometrics, data storage, position location, compass, range finder, etc. to achieve better communications range/performance in urban and complex terrain, and better interoperability and compatibility with our brethren in the other services in a compact lower power device is the most important capability to enable Situational Awareness (SA) and a Common Operating Picture (COP) to the dismounted Soldier as a System (SaaS) concept in the Network-Centric battlefield of the 21st century. The commercial applications include use by first responders, health patients, etc. – applications are endless.

Wearable Electronics, Glanceable Situational Awareness, Wrist Computer System, Dick Tracy Watch, Watchpad, Health Monitoring, Rapid Development, Software Defined Radio And Gps

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The eXtreme wrist computer (Xwatch) Program leverages significant previous and on-going investment in processor, RF, rapid product development, integration and miniaturization efforts by Coherent Logix, Incorporated. The proposed Xwatch program has been structured to work closely with industry to create the military version of an iPhone, but with ubiquitous communication, position, navigation, and computer capability in the form factor of a watch with an expandable display. In phase I of this program industry-driven product requirements were derived to develop a preliminary design specification used to create and demonstrate the hardware development platform to facilitate immediate SW development by customers.

Glanceable Situational Awareness, Glanceable Situational Awareness, Wearable Electronics, Watch, Watchpad, Rapid Development, Software Defined Radio, Interference Mitigation.,