DSPCon is proposing a new fauna population monitoring system that will automate much of the data collection and analysis processes and increase the frequency with which the animal population can be monitored. This system, called the Automated Animal Population Monitoring System (AAPMS), will enable wildlife management personnel to accurately monitor the population of fauna within the region of interest, with a sampling frequency that will allow monitoring of population dynamics. This system will be beneficial not only to the personnel monitoring the wildlife at Edwards AFB as well as all military bases covered by the Sikes Act, but also to every state and federal wildlife management authority in the United States. The AAPMS system consists of three key components; 1. An array of hyperspectral optical sensors to detect target species by their spectral signatures. 2. A wireless network that will link the sensor locations to a central data collection, analysis and control station, and 3. A central control station that will serve as a data collection, storage and analysis center as well as a system control station for the entire AAPMS.
Benefit: The Automated Animal Population Monitoring System (AAPMS), will enable wildlife management personnel to accurately monitor the population of fauna within an area of interest, with a sampling frequency that will allow monitoring of population dynamics. The system is low cost and will be easy to set up at any location. This system will be beneficial not only to the personnel monitoring the wildlife at Edwards AFB as well as all military bases covered by the Sikes Act, but also to every state and federal wildlife management authority in the United States. It is anticipated that international wildlife management authorities as well as private companies, such as those in the oil industry, that are interested in managing the ecology of the often large land areas in which they operate will also benefit from a DSPCon AAPMS system.
Keywords: Hyperspectral Imaging, Hyperspectral Camera, Wildlife Management, Animal Population Management, Fauna Management, Desert Tortoise, Automated Animal Population Monitoring Syste