Small Unpiloted Aircraft System (SUAS) Auto-tracking of Moving and Stationary Targets
Award last edited on: 12/16/2009

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Daniel Allen

Company Information

Solution Engineering (AKA: L-Systems Inc)

205 Wasco Loop Suite 103
Hood River, OR 97031
   (952) 250-6055
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Hood River

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Solution Engineering, Inc. (SEI) proposes to develop and demonstrate a prototype real time tracking system that supports robust multiple target tracking in an urban environment.  The approach will focus on increasing the robustness of the core feature tracking algorithms, utilizing target invariant characteristics to extend the ability to track, coast, and reacquire targets.  In addition higher level tracking logic based on a multiple hypothesis approach will be explored to enhance the high level tracking control logic that supports track confirmation, maintenance, coasting, and dropping.  SEI will leverage its experience in tracking and data fusion, its products including: 1) an embedded DSP based video tracking and electronic stabilization application as well as, 2) a ground based tracker; both that currently support the TASE family of gimbals, and its video simulation tool, VideoSim.  In addition, SEI will leverage its close relationship, both geographically and businesswise, with Cloud Cap Technology, and the expertise SEI has as developer of  Cloud Cap Technologys Piccolo Command Center and GimbalUI to provide tools and test opportunities to support development and demonstration as well as test and refinement of the sensor centric navigation algorithms Cloud Cap Technology has on its development roadmap for the Piccolo Autopilot.

The benefits of this research are the development of more robust and accurate target tracking in an urban environment that supports an SUAS ability to maintain and reacquire tracks through sensor centric navigation and more robust tracking.  Another outcome is the refinement of a simulation test environment that supports development and test of advanced algorithms as well as potential for high quality training opportunities in a fielded system.  The benefits to commercial applications are improved robustness of tracking in urban or other difficult environments, as well as the simulation opportunities available to evaluate potential applications of the technology prior to purchase of a particular solution.  Training in the commercial environment is an equally compelling benefit.

Tracking, Multiple Targets, Kalman Filter, Moving Targets, Stationary Targets, Suas, Multiple Hypothesis Tracking

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount