Overset grid methods have a lot of potential to reduce the workload and turnaround time in mesh generation significantly. However, overset grid generation is often not very simple. In general, the size of elements in overlapping volume of overset grids should not be changed drastically to avoid orphan points that result in poor interpolation results. Recent advances in developing generalized grid overset methods, e.g. SUGGAR, are applicable to structured and unstructured grids, but these methods are still immature, requiring additional research to improve their effectiveness. Integrating mesh generation software with one or more overset grid assembly programs is required to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness. Therefore, a more user-friendly overset grid generation package needs to be developed to easily create and visualize grids suitable for overset grid simulations. An adaptive grid algorithm is also proposed for the Phase-II work plan such that it can be a complete set of algorithms for DoD CFD simulation needs.
Benefit: A more user-friendly overset grid generation package will be able to significantly reduce users'''' workload and turnaround time in overset grid generation.
Keywords: Cfd, Grid Generation, Overset Mesh, Overset Grid, Grid Assembly