Geolocation Simulation Environment Toolset (GEOSET)
Award last edited on: 11/12/2009

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Michael P Chaloupka

Company Information

Network Sensing Technologies LLC (AKA: NST)

2004 Lewis Turner Boulevard Suite E
Fort WaltonBeach, FL 32547
   (850) 684-0033
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Okaloosa

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The Phase I research will address AEF/MAF RF detection, situational awareness and counter-measure concepts and techniques through an integrated simulation and modeling environment. Identification of critical technology challenges, synthesis of advanced methods, and concept feasibility analyses leading to assessment technologies for geolocation and EA concepts are addressed. The research will outline new parametric simulation capabilities and leverage maximum reuse of government and corporate simulations, algorithms, tools and HIL interfaces to explore and evolve ES and EA concepts as applied to specific platforms and generic Radar Warning Receivers (RWR). Phase I will develop system requirements for a real-time software simulation platform consisting of medium and high fidelity multiple aircraft type navigation data geolocation, Pulse Data Word generation, geolocation algorithm solution models, distributed CORBA/DDS data publisher / subscriber and hardware interfaces. A goal of the system is to leverage existing work with new developments, combined with other efforts that integrate essential system components to physical hardware and HIL environments. Phase I of the proposed effort will examine previous developed products, including existing AFRL tools and simulators, existing receiver hardware, situational awareness software, advanced detection, tracking and geolocation algorithms and existing EA/ES/EP techniques.

The proposed research will establish requirements for a digital simulation associated with electronic warfare attack, protection, and support of large MAF/AEF mobility operation aircraft. Synthetically generated, as well as measured PDW data combined with real-time geolocation solution models, distributed EOB, OOB, ELINT database resources and advanced distributing messaging methods will provide the Government with a unique capability to explore EA/ES/EP Systems of System concepts for MAF/AEF aircraft operations. The simulations and real-time solutions / messaging method software may have the potential to be used with commercial hardware as the framework of new EW products.

Modeling, Simuation, Geolocation, Ew, Protection, Attack, Support, Real-Time

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The objective of this Phase II project is to develop a comprehensive prototype, hybrid geolocation simulation system able to support pure simulations, hardware-in-the-loop and flight test verification activities on conventional PC dual quad core processors. Based on the research results of Phase I, we propose to develop a Geolocation Simulation and Environment Toolset (GEOSET) for modeling and simulation of RADAR Warning Receiver (RWR) performance, Geolocation Algorithm performance in a real-time distributed simulation utilizing the symmetrical processing (SMP) capabilities of current dual-quad-core Intel processors. The system will support CORBA, DDS and SOAP middleware messaging systems necessary to support modern aircraft and network architectures of the USAF Mobility Air Force (MAF) and Air Force Expeditionary Force (AEF) to aid in maturation of RWR geolocation threat detection and avoidance concepts. A goal of the proposed system is to leverage existing work and experience and amalgamate them with the new developments which are proposed in this program. Phase II of the proposed effort will integrate prior Team-developed products, including existing AFRL tools and simulators, existing receiver hardware, situational awareness software, advanced detection, tracking and geolocation algorithms and existing EA/ES/EP techniques.

The GEOSET prototype system is primarily designed for research laboratory desktop use. The GEOSET concept packages in one simulation what has previously been comprised of several disjoint applications “glued” together with respect to re-use, physical hardware or network centricity. GEOSET bridges the technology gap with a comprehensive, scalable aircraft INS/GPS simulator with navigation messaging, geolocation techniques evaluation, RF RWR phenomena modeling with provision for physical hardware. It provides a user friendly geolocation test platform for the Government free of large scale contractor related proprietary issues. This simulation, we expect, has commercial applications for those desiring a turnkey reference geolocation modeling system, a RWR receiver to generic algorithm testing platform, reference designs and a laboratory test and evaluation system. The first product we foresee commercialization is a turnkey reference geolocation modeling system. NST anticipates migration of GEOSET algorithms and communications methods into a self contained Software Defined Radio platform. NST is exploring use of the technology to other signal detection fields, such as Homeland security, to detect signal interference in high-valued areas such as airports and embassies.

Geolocation, Simulation And Modeling, Distributed Processing, Symmetrical Multi-Processing, Corba, Dds