F3 Engineering (F3) proposes to demonstrate the feasibility of developing and producing an innovative concept for crashworthy, lightweight, and rapidly stowable/removable helicopter troop seats with crash protection equivalent to the current flight crew seats. F3 will utilize our experience in development of energy management systems using Magnetorheological Fluid Technology (MRFT). F3 proposes a Magnetorheological Advanced Energy Absorber concept (MAEA) that integrates with current seat structures replacing traditional energy absorbers. The MAEA will include electronically controlled shock absorbing hardware that, in a crash, will absorb the energy to reduce the risk personnel injury. This system will determine the gross weight of the system, including the seat structure and occupant and will control the seat response in a crash event. The proposed system is modular, where shock attenuation will be located as needed, regardless of the configuration of the troop seat(s). Phase I efforts will include the evaluation of historical crash test data on seats and seat occupants, mathematical modeling and simulation of the proposed MAEA system and the development of feasible concepts worthy of further investigation and empirical testing.
Keywords: Crash Seat Technology, Advanced Energy Absorbers, Magneto-Rheological Fluid, Vibration, Shock, Rotorcraft, Helicopter Troop Seats, Restraint Systems, Variable Damping