Damage Detection and Identification in Advanced Composites
Award last edited on: 10/10/2008

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Joseph W Maresca Jr

Company Information

Vista Engineering Technologies Inc (AKA: Engineering Technologies LLC~Vista Engineering~VET~ Vista Engineering Technologies LLC)

1355 Columbia Park Trail
Richland, WA 99352
   (509) 737-1377
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 04
County: Benton

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Vista Engineering Technologies will develop, validate, and deliver a fully automated, real-time, computer-based, portable IR system for making a pass-fail decision about the location and extent of damage to composite aerospace structures that improves upon existing methods in terms of speed, accuracy, and cost. An engineering prototype of the system will be demonstrated on both test articles provided by the Air Force and on actual aircraft in the field to evaluate the detection and location performance in terms of probability of detection and probability of false alarm. The system can be automated using a signal processing algorithm that has been developed and validated by Vista Engineering on the composite samples of the rudder and vertical stabilizer of an F-15 aircraft for the detection of and classification of skin-to-core disbonds, delamination, and fluid ingress. The successful application of the technology is due to novel methods of heating the composite no more than several degrees to produce a strong thermal signature due to the defect. A single measurement over a 2-ft2-area can be in 15 to 60 s using a COTS low-cost, low-resolution (320x240) uncooled IR camera; an entire vertical stabilizer can be inspected in the field in less than 1 h.

Inrared Inspection, Surface Evaluation, Disbonds, Cracks, Delamination, Composite And Metallic Structures

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Vista Engineering Technologies will develop, validate, and deliver a fully automated, real-time, computer-based, portable IR system for making a pass-fail decision about the location and extent of damage to composite aerospace structures that improves upon existing methods in terms of speed, accuracy, and cost. An engineering prototype of the system will be demonstrated on both test articles provided by the Air Force and on actual aircraft in the field to evaluate the detection and location performance in terms of probability of detection and probability of false alarm. The system can be automated using a signal processing algorithm that has been developed and validated by Vista Engineering on the composite samples of the rudder and vertical stabilizer of an F-15 aircraft for the detection of and classification of skin-to-core disbonds, delamination, and fluid ingress. The successful application of the technology is due to novel methods of heating the composite no more than several degrees to produce a strong thermal signature due to the defect. A single measurement over a 2-ft2-area can be in 15 to 60 s using a COTS low-cost, low-resolution (320x240) uncooled IR camera; an entire vertical stabilizer can be inspected in the field in less than 1 h. BENEFIT

Ndt, Ir, Surface Evaluation, Cracks, Delamination, Disbond, Composite Structures, Aircraft