A unified project comprising basic research and technology development is proposed to address all important issues critical to the design, fabrication, testing, and implementation of an integrated micro thruster and power-generation system. This program will fully utilize the state-of-art and projected technologies in the areas of energy conversion and micro fabrication. A novel design of the ignition and combustion module, augmented by an optimized system architecture, will be implemented to substantially enhance the system performance and operating regime. The system can be used as a stand-alone thruster delivering a wide range of thrust for both continuous and pulse operations, or as a power generator when needed. Environmentally friendly propellants will be used and evaluated in terms of their ignition and combustion properties and handling characteristics. In addition, advanced experimental diagnostic and modeling techniques will be employed to explore the detailed flow evolution and combustion dynamics, as well as the energy-conversion efficiency, in the proposed system. Results will further optimize the overall system performance, operability, and durability.
Benefit: The outcome of this effort will be beneficial to the future development of LEO tactical satellites, e.g., for orbit raising, repositioning, station-keeping, etc. The use of a single propellant for both propulsion and power needs of small spacecraft will significantly widen the potential applications and extend the duration of Air Force missions in space. In addition, the present work will contribute to several other areas of interest to the DoD such as micro actuation via gas generation and micro power generation to replace electrochemical batteries.
Keywords: Micro Propulsion, Micro Power Generation, Micro Fabrication, Liquid-Propellant Thrusters, Solid Oxid