Our TPS approach is to develop a foam core integrated structure consisting of a 3-D fabric reinforced ceramic matrix composite (CMC) outer skin connected to ceramic foam which in turn is connected to a polymer matrix composite (PMC) inner structure. The high temperature foam core element is load carrying and can have graded properties to optimize thermal/mechanical performance. Numerous parameters can be varied to optimize this structural element including geometry, fiber type and architecture, matrix type, foam type and bond line morphology. Radiation heat transfer is minimized through the foam by using low density ceramic microballoons bonded in a ceramic matrix which is formed by pyrolyzing a preceramic polymer. Analytic tools thermal and FEM have been developed and demonstrate promising results. A developmental/experimental program has been formulated and a Phase II project team is in place to ultimately build and test AF mission capable prototype integrated structure.
Keywords: Ceramics, Re-Entry, Thermal Protection, Hypersonics, High Temperature Structure