This proposal offers the demonstration of an approach to integrate the latest corrosion sensor technology with corrosion structural effects modeling to enable the transition from periodic corrosion inspections to an efficient, focused prognostics and health monitoring (PHM) system. The fundamental vision of the proposed program is to provide the customer with a demonstrated process suitable for integrating corrosion effects analysis tools, structural criticality prioritization algorithms, in situ corrosion sensors, conventional non-destructive inspection (NDI), and data management structures to monitor and assess aircraft structure. All of these capabilities currently exist at varying levels of maturity. At the end of Phase II, such a PHM system will be designed, developed, integrated, validated, and demonstrated. The resulting system will include state-of-the-art hardware, software, and analytical techniques packaged into a powerful structural management philosophy. Demonstration in Phase II includes installation of hardware on a private jet to provide a flying demonstration article, and a detailed Program for implementation on a USAF asset, the A-10 Warthog.
Keywords: Diagnostics, Prognostics, Corrosion, Useful Life Remaining, Prognostic Health Management, Structural Integrity, Shm Structural Health Monitoring, Holi