Phase II Amount
Adaptive Materials Inc. is proposing to further the development of a Phase I SBIR Power Manager. The Power Manager Phase I device has demonstrated the ability to efficiently manage and provide power to multiple sources. The Phase I device also demonstrates a user interface that is intuitive and easy to use. This proposed effort will expand on the Phase I effort and create an improved device that will feature user friendly operation, an ergonomic form factor, and improved operation efficiency. The power manager is the interface between high energy density devices such as fuel cells and Zn-Air batteries and high specific power devices such as Lithium Ion cells. The manager will provide the user with detailed information regarding state of charge and state of health of devices connected to it. The power manager saves weight for the user by efficiently managing the energy they already carry with them. Depending on the energy sources considered, the weight savings range from 12% to 34%. Additionally, the user has the flexibility to harvest energy from found sources such as automotive batteries, partially discharged BA5590s, and any other energy sources that can be found. At the completion of this Phase II proposal, the AMI Power Manager will be reach TRL Level of 6/7 and ready for initial manufacturing.
Keywords: Power Manager, Hybrid, Dc/Dc Conversion, Battery Management, Fuel Cell