Phase II Amount
This project will extend TerraTools(R), our COTS visual simulation database generation product, to generate material encoded databases with attributions containing relevant thermal and spectral parameters for each object in the scene to support non-visual, physics-based modeling. The output database will be formatted to support both government owned polygon-based systems, such as IRMA, and texel-based real time commercial sensor simulation systems using a common user interface. This extension will allow for the rapid construction of highly-detailed, geometrically accurate, urban environments that support highly accurate physics-based sensor modeling. In addition, a 3D visual database will be produced by this process that is completely correlated to the material encoded database. This real-time visualization can be interactively queried from any viewpoint to report the embedded material properties at the geometric object, polygon, or texture level. This will greatly enhance the usability of the overall process for sensor simulation users, since scene content validation can occur prior to database loading in the physics model environment.
Keywords: Visual Simulation, Sensor Simulation, Irma, Material Modeling, Rapid Urban Database Generation, Natural Background Generation, Non-Visual Scene Gener