Carbon fiber-based brakes are made out of so-called carbon-carbon composite material (CC) that consists of two components: weaved carbon cloth and solid carbon matrix. The limitations of oxidation protection systems for CC, especially in long duration, cyclic and/or reusable applications, have made an impact on continuous use of CC materials for aircraft brakes. During the exploitation they are exposed to very high heat, often above 1000° F, as well as many contaminants including aircraft and runaway chemicals. Temp sticks that are utilized to monitor the surface temperature of the brakes, catalyze high temperature oxidation reactions on the surface of the carbon brakes causing premature embritlement and subsequently, reducing brake life and increasing brake failures and often fires. The objective of this work is to continue investigate and develop oxidation resistant coatings and systems to reduce and possibly eliminate the CC surface oxidation via utilization of the Electro-magnetically enhanced Physical Vapor Deposition (EPVD) technology. In Phase I, feasibility of the EPVD application was investigated. EPVD has proven its capability to produce a multitude of coatings unavailable in applications by any other coating systems; it demonstrated the advantage of zero environmental compliance burdens to the process. Phase II will pursue advanced development of the prototype coatings and coating systems applicable to surfaces of selected brake pressure plates. The coating systems designs will be optimized and integrated into a prototype to investigate and demonstrate consistent reproducibility of oxidation resistant coatings applicable to commercially manufactured CC systems.