Efficient High Power Amplification Technology for Munitions
Award last edited on: 5/8/2007

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Zygmond Turski

Company Information

F & H Applied Science Associates Inc

900 Briggs Road Suite 320
Mount Laurel, NJ 08054
   (856) 235-6781
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Burlington

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Recent advent, and a significant progress made in the wide band gap semiconductor technology offer today a promise for a superior power amplifier. More specifically, emerging Gallium Nitrate (GaN) HEMT devices are shown to operate in extreme temperatures (~600C), exhibiting high breakdown voltages (~100V) and high current densities (~1.5A/mm). In order to meet these challenging technical requirements in a cost effective manner, F&H proposes to develop a GaN HEMT based MMIC power amplifier. During the Phase I of this program GaN HEMT device characteristics will be measured and modeled. Models derived will be synthesized with appropriate matching elements, and overall performance will be optimized in the 400 - 4000MHz band. The results will be empirically verified using discrete GaN HEMT devices in lumped element amplifier stages. Ultimately, the feasibility of a GaN HEMT based linear, high efficiency, power amplifier will be determined. In addition to meeting Air Force requirements for munitions, cost effective MMIC power amplifiers will benefit many other government and commercial applications to include LMDS, cellular (3G & 4G) and satellite applications. Vast markets associated with these applications will naturally lead to economy of scale pricing, in line with Air Force objectives.

The proposed GaN HEMT power amplifier technology will support Air Force’s need for longer range weapons communications. The MMIC embodiment and large commercial volumes associated with applications such as 3G & 4G cellular, LMDS, and mobile satellite terminals will lead to an economy of scale pricing, in line with the Air Force objectives.

Wide band gap, power amplifiers, Linear power

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
SBIR Phase-I program investigation into a Wide Band Gap (WBG) technology and its ability to meet the Air Force specifications for a High Power Amplifier (HPA) demonstrated unequivocally the feasibility of meeting/exceeding this objective with GaN HEMT devices. The 50W power achievable over a multi-octave bandwidth of [200MHz-1,000MHz] and [1,000MHz-4,000MHz] with efficiencies [PAE] exceeding 40%, coupled with high temperature operation [< 600C] and high break-down voltage [< 100V] make this technology ideally suited for efficient battery operation. F&H proposes Phase II program aiming at the development of a prototype GaN HPA for Efficient High Power Amplification for Munitions. This program, solidly based on our Phase I results, will also avail this novel technology to numerous commercial applications including 3G & 4G [W-CDMA & UMTS] cellular base stations, LMDS, Repeaters and Emergency Services, among others. As the WBG technology moves from R&D to production, F&H intends to lead this effort bringing new products to market. We plan to achieve the commercialization objectives through teaming arrangements with established microwave components manufacturers, experienced in high volume production and having existing sales channel. We are currently involved in such negotiations. The necessary additional funding will be sought from available outside sources, as needed.

Gallium Nitrate Hemt, Wide Band Gap, Power Amplifi