Systran Federal Corporation (SFC), the sister-company of Systran Corp., which is a Products Development and Marketing Company specializing in real-time, high-performance networking, and Prof. Yuan Zheng of the Ohio State University (OSU), are proposing to design and develop wavelet algorithm(s) and hardware for compression/decompression of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) signals. The novelty of the innovation is based on wavelet transforms which will be applied in two ways. The first way is to use wavelets as the transmitting pulse for increasing the resolution, and the second is to use the wavelet transform to treat the sensor data for compressing the volume of information. By using this wavelet approach one will be able to increase the resolution while reducing the amount of data which have to be communicated to the ground command stations. As part of the Phase I Program,. SFC and OSU will demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed innovation by implementing wavelet algorithms on an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) board. In Phase II, SFC and OSU will design and develop 'VLSI chips' for wavelet implementation. Both SFC and OSU have the required expertise to successfully carry out this SBIR program.
Benefits: Development of 'innovative' wavelets-based solution for SAR image processing will immensely benefit the DoD. Wavelet implementation will increase efficiency and accuracy, and reduce latency.
Keywords: Wavelets, SAR, Algorithms, FPGA, VLSI, Hardware, Compression/Decompression