Repair of HighTemperature RAM CoatingsAward last edited on: 5/8/2007
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
DOD : AFTotal Award Amount
$302,095Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
AF03-116Principal Investigator
Eric BauerCompany Information
Wells Signature Products LLC (AKA: ACTON Materials Inc)
1331 Upland Building 2
Houston, TX 77043
Houston, TX 77043
(713) 463-6400 |
ebauer@actonmaterials.com |
www.actonmaterials.com |
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Harris
Congr. District: 02
County: Harris
Phase I
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: ---- Completed: ----
Phase I year
2003Phase I Amount
Feature 1: Increase iron content in the coating, as a percentage of total coating weight, by reducing the amount of dielectric-forming elements (e.g. Al, Si) required in the pigment. Benefit 1: Option to improve signature reduction, reduce coating weight, or both Feature 2: The system uses no solvents or liquid carriers. Benefit 2: Application is simplified with no VOC or other vapor discharges to control. Further, system avoids problems associated with coating distortion during bakeout of large liquid fractions, as with slurries. Feature 3: Pigment preparation system utilizes chemical vapor deposition (CVD) of elements onto surface of individual particles, creating ability to formulate unique alloys and gradients at the particle level. Benefit 3: Can quickly screen candidate formulations for improved coupling at high temperature, creating metamaterials that cannot be produced by conventional means. Can optimize the content and location of dielectric layer. Feature 4: Pigment and matrix will be applied by commercially-available thermal spray system, equipped with proposed dual-hopper feeder. System is field-proven, has no moving parts, easily transported and stored, can utilize multiple energy sources. Variant currently in use at multiple NSA manufacturing sites. Can be used in either manual or robotic modes. Benefit 4: Transport and operation require no additions to current infrastructure at repair sites, could be used on emergency basis at any location worldwide. Training has typically been less than 40 hours for equipment use AND repair.
RAM, coating, thermal spray, gradient materials, meta-materials, pigment, low observable, maintainability
Phase II
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: ---- Completed: ----
Phase II year
2005Phase II Amount
Ceramic Matrix Composites, Thermal Spray, Ram, Cor