Missile Detection Spatial Spectral ImagerAward last edited on: 4/21/2004
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
DOD : AFTotal Award Amount
$99,935Award Phase
1Solicitation Topic Code
AF03-219Principal Investigator
Robert E SampsonCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: ---- Completed: ----
Phase I year
2003Phase I Amount
Commercial applications of this intrument are numerous because of the flexibility and versatility of the sensor. It provides both spatial and spectral information simultaneously at frame to frame adjustable spectral and spatial resolutions. In addition to missile threat detection, applications include security, mineral and material identification, fire detection, medical applications, and other military target detection and identification.
imaging spectrometer, computed tomographic imaging, missile detection, threat warning
Phase II
Contract Number: ----------Start Date: ---- Completed: ----