Strategic laser systems for uses including high bandwidth communication, non-imaging target identification, imaging, and the deposition of high laser energy on a target, are subject to the dispersive and refractive effects of a turbulent atmosphere. The atmosphere manifests itself with effects on the beam size and shape at the target, thus adaptive modification of the far-field pattern to optimize performance of the system would be very beneficial. Nukove Scientific Consulting has developed a technique that allows for the simultaneous estimation of key pointing parameters that affect laser systems. This work is documented in publications. The technique was developed during analysis of data from ground-to-space laser illumination experiments fielded at the Starfire Optical Range on Kirtland AFB, NM. The implementation of the tool in real or near real-time, and associated adaptive control, is the principle thrust of the work proposed. Fundamentally there is no reason that the technique can not be developed as a real or near real-time estimation tool, allowing for adaptive control of key far-field parameters, such as the size of the beam at the target, data rates and encoding for communication, power level and laser coherence, and control of adaptive optics elements.
Benefits: The commercialization potential is excellent. Telescope facilities illuminate satellites for metrology or surveillance purposes. Nukove will develop, under a Phase II award, a stand-alone prototype software/processor package that will allow for monitoring of beam pointing and provide near real-time feedback for the control of beam divergence and adaptive optics elements. Abstract: pointing, jitter, boresight, chi square test, real time estimation, laser