OTC proposes the development of a high power optically activated solid-state switch for the enhancement of current pulse power and power electronic systems. The switch is packaged into 100kV/100kA modules with a rise-time of <10ns. The switch is fabricated by direct contacting (wafer bonding or alloying) of multiple thyristor elements in series, a technique which would offer the opportunity of both a high degree of compactness (low inductance) as well as manufacturability. The optical switching results in ultra-low jitter (ps) between switch modules and enables series and parallel configurations for mega-ampere and mega-voltage applications. This advanced switch technology makes feasible more reliable, compact and less costly, pulsed power systems, based entirely on solid-state switching technology.The development of this advanced solid state switch will enable high peak power systems to utilize semiconductor switching. This will make them more reliable, and less costly to build and maintain. Commercial applications are numerous; some include protecting electric utility and telecommunication systems from high current surges caused by lightning strikes and switching transients