The development of pressure-capable, high-performance natural gas reformer systems is proving necessary to provide high-purity and variable-demand hydrogen streams required by today's leading fuel cell (FC) technology, particularly light commercial (0-200kW) Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) FCs. To reduce manufacturing costs and increase current density, machining methods and emerging material science are resulting in the production of PEM FCs that require above-atmospheric hydrogen reformate streams. Product development is needed for a FC reformate management system, preferably latest auto-thermal reformer (ATR- combination steam & partial oxidation) technology and micro-sized hydrogen compression. A complete program to validate operational design limits, simulate component and system performance for design analysis and develop an energy-matching system is key to overall system operation and efficiency. A complete development program is proposed to identify the variables that will control the scaling function required to convert the concept to working proto-type. Simplifying operation and control architecture to match the safety requirements related to the reformation and compression of hydrogen for FCs is the end-goal of this proposal. AF01-307 seeks to accelerate flight line and ground support FC developments by leveraging the commonality of natural gas energy supply at most CONUS USAF sites. Developing localized infrastructure will ensure the use of hydrogen for FC applications in the future, including forward-deployed areas. Intellimotive's innovative ATR\C (auto-thermal reformer\compressor) is one-fifth the size of conventional combination units - small enough to become highly transportable, mobile-utilized and convenient to locate and install. The proposed ATR\C can provide high-purity atmospheric and pressurized reformate for today's PEM FCs and high-pressure supply for storage and transfer to pure FC applications, mobile or stationary. A centralized mini-grid demonstration platform based on the ATR\C is ideal to achieve stated USAF near and long-term goals sought in SBIR AF01-307. The innovative multi-level pressure hydrogen supply capability from pipeline natural gas has unlimited FC applicability, regardless of type. The ATR\C is anticipated to emerge as an ultra-competitive source for clean energy in light industrial and medium industrial market applications, including commercial aviation flight line equipment, Ground Support Equipment (GSE), and Heavy Duty non-road & on-road Fuel Cell Vehicles (HDFCVs). Commercial aviation flight line operations are facing increasing regulatory pressure to reduce up to 90% of their mobile source emissions, particularly among generators, non-road vehicles and mobile equipment. Numerous studies (e.g. EPRI's Airport Initiatives) have identified airports as high priority targets for environmental impact reduction activity over the next twenty years. The GSE industry has been calling for the full-electrification of their equipment for several years under this environmental and political pressure from communities, state regulators, the Clean Air Act and civic strategic planners. New electric tow tractors and electric freight loaders emerging on today's flight lines are examples of the 'electrification of airport flight line' movement. These types of equipment will undoubtedly grow as technology matures - requiring clean-fuel sources of energy to recharge them. An estimated 32 billion kWh electrical load exists at our nations' 100 largest airports. Peak-load grid support and re-distribution systems are also near-term target markets for this technology. EPRI's (the Electric Power Research Institute) Airport Initiative studies determined that 30% of all airport vehicles produced almost 90% of emission at seven major airports studied. EPRI's Airport Electrification Project Consolidated Results and Analysis reported that the potential reduction in air emissions for the airports studies ranged from a high of 86% for PM10 to 33% for SO2. Using conservative methodologies, the report concluded that electric models could replace approximately 83% of all inventoried internal combustion vehicles. Military flight line requirements are not entirely different from those of commercial aviation. Most GSE manufacturers serve both military and commercial markets with their products. FC applications offer zero-emission operation for these markets long dominated by diesel and internal-combustion power plants. The environmental benefits of FCs for transportation, heavy industrial and even space travel are widely known. Extended market applications in the light commercial range, particularly residential units, are highly anticipated. Intellimotive's innovation is integral to this movement