EMI Control via System Design
Award last edited on: 5/11/2015

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
James W Neiers

Company Information

Neoteric Technologies Inc (AKA: Neotek Inc)

3077 Leeman Ferry Road
Huntsville, AL 35815
   (256) 650-4601
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: Madison

Phase I

Contract Number: F09650-00-M-1359
Start Date: 7/31/2000    Completed: 4/30/2001
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This project encompasses an investigation of sources of electromagnetic interference (EMI) in hybrid electric vehicles. EMI resulting from current implementations limits the suitability of otherwise attractive hybrid vehicle around flight lines where there is a potential for interference with critical navigation equipment, around explosive ordnance, and for use in military operations requiring stealth. EMI from hybrid vehicles has been characterized but not related to specific sources. A result of this project will be a codification of techniques for both new design and for correcting unsatisfactory legacy systems. Information learned leads to improved components and reduced EMI. Information learned will provide guidance for producing hybrid vehicles with reduced EMI.

Phase II

Contract Number: F09650-02-C-0007
Start Date: 10/16/2001    Completed: 10/16/2004
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
This project implements a prototype knowledge based expert assistant to aid in mitigating electromagnetic interference (EMI) from hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). The concept evolved from a broad investigation of HEV architectures, EMI causes, and corrective actions during Phase I. The expert assistance includes cost, risk, and programmatic factors to provide prioritized recommendations and accompanying rationale to reduce EMI. The system, termed a Risk Model, is a practical approach to capture and deliver HEV EMI mitigation aid to designers, program managers, operators, and maintainers. The Risk Model is useful in early stages of conceptual design through fault localization and corrective action after production and fielding. The project includes the collection of detail electromagnetic environment effects (EEE) data for HEVs, both before and after corrective actions, to provide verification of mitigation techniques. The Risk Model provides diagnostic assistance for EMI localization. It provides cost and EEE prognostics for different mitigation techniques.

Hybrid electric vehicles have advantages of lower operating cost, reduced air pollution, and benefits of available electric power for many applications. They are also a potential source of serious interference problems that may prevent their widespread use because of costs of mitigation. The Risk Model will help quantify the costs benefits relations of various mitigation actions, which will reduce overall costs and enable a faster rate of introduction of hybrid electric vehicles. The Risk Model will leverage investments aimed at promoting the use of hybrid technology for fuel economy and reduced air pollution. It will also reduce maintenance costs.