Combat search and rescue (SAR) capability is becoming increasingly important. Laser interrogating and transponding conception is well suited to rapidly identify and precisely pinpoint the downed personnel from the flying searching platform at a distance < 4km with high certainty. The principal operation is based on detecting strong reflection of the searching laser illumination from an optical transponder that is carried by the downed personnel, modulating with an identifying beacon. In this program, GT Technologies proposes to develop an innovative laser transponder which has many desired performance advantages of: low optic insertion loss (high reflectance), robustness, polarization independent operation, wide operation temperature range, broad wavelength response, compact, lightweight, very low energy consumption, and low cost. The simplicity in construction, low power requirement, and cost effectiveness make the proposed laser transponder particularly suited for wide deployment, equipping all personnel at risk. Moreover, the innovative transponder can also function as a communication system, covertly and securely transmitting voice and data. A prototype laser transponder will be demonstrated during Phase I program.
Keywords: Laser, Retro-Reflector, Eye Safety , Scanner, Image Processing, Near Infrared