We propose to research, design, and develop an optoelectronic Smart Sensor Interface (SSI) for avionics sensing applications. The SSI would be compatible not only with various sensor heads and communications protocols but also with multiplexed optical communications networks, including point-to-point universal workstation systems. This interface would support the P1451 standard for smart sensors, and would be able to communicate in CAIS, Ethernet, 1553, AATIS, and other common protocols. The unit itself would have onboard memory and processing sufficient to allow for dynamic error correction, field recalibration, and extended data output on sensor characteristics, data, and operational health. Electrical output from the SSI could be fed into a standard electronic bus or, by using our optoelectronic interface controller (OEIC) and optical bus interface module (OBIM), into a next-generation optical bus. Integration studies would focus on sensor processing for conventional sensors such as thermistors and altimeters as well as for novel sensors such as embedded structural monitors