The objective of the proposed project is to develop an artificial intelligence toolkit that provides intelligent information management capabilities for interactive knowledge-intensive applications. The explosion of information in the modern environment demands the ability to collect, organize, manage, and search large amounts of information across a wide variety of real-world applications. Traditional large-scale database and keyword-based search systems are inadequate at providing ready access to relevant knowledge. A new approach is needed to information management that provides a user or a workgroup with the ability to find, add, and use information quickly based on a personalized "map" of information relevant to them. A system based on a model of human memory can organize information into a "knowledge map", which enables "reminding engines" which proactively find and recommend information useful to a working user and "workgroup memories" that learn from user behavior to improve the knowledge map over time. The toolkit will enable developers to embed these facilities in a wide variety of applications, including workgroup, internet, intranet, and education and training systems. Available pervasively in a user's work environment, knowledge maps will empower users to get to information they need quickly and effortlessly.