Micro Cluster Propulsion for Nanosatellite Control
Award last edited on: 4/17/2002

Sponsored Program
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Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Julius Perel

Company Information

Phrasor Scientific Inc

1536 Highland Avenue
Duarte, CA 91010
   (626) 357-3201

Research Institution


Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
This proposal describes a miniaturized propulsion technology aimed at fulfilling nanothruster requirements for station keeping and attitude control or nanosatellites. This technology, based on the generation and acceleration of. micro-clusters to provide thrust, is a candidate to fulfilll micro-electric propulsion requirements potentially capable of lessening constraint in the design of nanosatellites for constellation operation. Candidate thrusters already operating with emitter geometries in the 10's of micron range are most amenable to submicron design, thus subject to batch Fabrication, and capable of producing impulse bits in the nano-newton-second range. The proposed research will use test systems, developed on earlier microthruster work, to generate micropropulsion performance data For later verification involving a coordinated prograin with Stanford University. The research includes the design, construction and testing of charged microcluster emitters to evaluate and verify thrust and specific impulse operation. Propellant flow control will be examined with the aim of eliminating the use of valves. Finally, the materials and structural requirements for batch fabrication using MEM's type geometries will be identified

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
This proposal describes a micro-electric propulsion technology aimed at fulfilling thrust and specific impulse requirements for station-keeping and attitude control microspacecraft. This technology, based on teh generation and acceleration of microclusters using electrohydrodynamics (EHD), can meet micro-electric propulsion needs by removing design constraints for nanosatellites used for deployment of nanosatellite constellations.Existing microcluster thrusters already operate with emitter geometries in teh micron range. They can be adapted to microfabrication techniques fro batch-fabrication and are capable of producing impulse bits in the nanonewton-second range. The proposed research will use diagnostics developed on an earlier SBIR program to validate micropropulsion performance data. Further verification of performance will be done under a subcontrcat with Stanford University. Several surface tension propellant management systems will be evaluated for thermally controlling flowrates without the use of a valve. T he research includes teh design, fabrication adn testing of MEMs microfabricated emitters. The materials and structural requirements for batch-fabricating microthrusters will be identified and thruster micro-components fabricated by an experienced MEMS foundry