The Welch Engineering and Hughes Space and Communications (WE/HSC) team is pleased to propose a GPS aided Inertial Navigation System (INS) enabled by Microelectromechnical Systems (MEMS) technology. We will leverage Welch Engineering's expertise in inertial navigation system software design for space and ground applications and HSC's extensive internal MEMS R&D and several of its MEMS research partnerships for the launcher INS applications. We will also leverage off our on-going DARPA SBIR for MEMS tactical INS development. With our relevant expertise, we will define requirements and identify MEMS sensors from proven single-crystal-silicon designs that have the hallmarks of navigation grade inertial sensors. We will also work with GPS vendors to achieve a miniature GPS design. Custom low-power digital CMOS for sensor compensation, control and I/O will complement this high performance MEMS and is also key to our compact universal design. GPS aiding of the MEMS-based IMU will further optimize the navigation solution. Overall compensation will be architected for maximum reuse and plus-and-play utility for future component interchangeability. The Phase I success will set the stage for building a breadboard of the universal INS using a COTS PC product development system in Phase II along with demonstration of the integrated breadboard GPS/INS.