Advanced PC-Based Telemetry Processing and Display SystemAward last edited on: 10/11/05
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
DOD : AFTotal Award Amount
$845,338Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
AF98-275Principal Investigator
Stephen J NicoloCompany Information
GDP Space Systems (AKA: General Data Products~Delta Information Systems, Inc)
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 04
County: Montgomery
Congr. District: 04
County: Montgomery
Phase I
Contract Number: F08635-98-C-0041Start Date: 5/1/98 Completed: 2/1/99
Phase I year
1998Phase I Amount
PC-based Advanced Telemetry Processing and Display system employing the latest technologies has significant potential in both the government and commercial flight test and satellite ground station applications. Other appli- cations also exist in the medical, automotive, and the oil industries. The problem of high cost and inflexibility of real-time data acquisition systems would be resolved as a result of this SBIR.
Phase II
Contract Number: F08635-99-C-0055Start Date: 6/5/99 Completed: 6/5/01
Phase II year
1999Phase II Amount
A PC-based Advanced Telemetry Processing and Display system employing the latest technologies has significant potential in both the government and commercial flight test and satellite ground station applications. Other applications also exist in the medical, automotive, and the oil industries. The problem of high cost and inflexibility of real-time data acquisition systems would be resolved as a result of this SBIR.