The Lawrence Applied Research Corporation (LARC) proposeds to apply ICARUS to Task Scheduling for the Air Force's Satellite Control Network (SCN). ICARUS (Integrated Case-Based Reasoning and Utility Theory System) is an innovative technology that was developed under a Phase I SBIR, and which uses case-based reasoning (CBR) to rapidly generate multiple, potentially useful schedules, which are evaluated using utility theory based on domain heuristics and problem-specific constraints. ICARUS was successfully demonstrated on a complex-real-life problem of the Space Shuttle. The proposed work adapts the ICARUS technology to the domain of task and resource scheduling for the SCN. Task scheduling of the SCN is a task of extreme significance to the Air Force since it is absolutely essential for data receipt from and transmission to satellites, vehicle maintenance, and orbit tracking and maintenance. ICARUS automates this complex process and minimizes the amount of manpower required and the level of training of the operators, thus resulting in significant savings to the Air Force.The proposed research and development is also applied to NASA's Shuttle Operations Redundancy scheduling and management. ICARUS identifies the recommended redundancy actions, schedules them, and evaluates them based on mission rules and NASA's flight rules.