Feasibility of an advanced cruis missile concept will be evaluated. The proposed concept is based on integration of a storable fuel, dual-mode, ram-scramjet entine with a parasol-winged airframe designed for a Mach 8 cruise mission. The parasl wing is a form of wave rider which retains the conventional ogival-cylinder configuration of the missile body. Increases in lift-drag ration of 25% have been previously demonstrated experimentally (by this contractor) for this type configurtion in the Mach 3 to 5 range, as compared to conventional wing performance. The ogival-cylinder body configuration is highly advantageous for packing avionics, fuel and payload, as compared to other wave rider concepts which have highly blended wing-body configurations. On-going work on development of storable fuel, dual mode, ram-scramject engines with Mach 8 capability enables integration of realistic, non-circular engine flowpath configurations with the parasol wing in a manner which avoids the prior use of pylon mounts. CFD methods also permit evaluation of nonlinear flow interference and engine-airframe interaction effects not previously considered. The proposed Phase I effort will include development of a preliminary design, including engine-airframe integration, evaluation of aerodynamic and aerothermal loads at cruise and at selected off-design conditions and preliminary evaluation of mission performance.