Development of a Novel 3-D BEM Code for Composite Joints with Discrete Damage
Award last edited on: 10/18/2002

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
An-Yu Kuo

Company Information

Optimal Corporation

6980 Santa Teresa Boulevard #100
San Jose, CA 95119
   (408) 363-6300
Location: Single
Congr. District: 19
County: Santa Clara

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The proposed research addresses development of the 3-D boundary element methods (BEM) for bolted/bonded composite joints with discrete cracks. It aims at establishing novel, efficient, and highly accurate methodologies to predict stress and strain distributions in cracked composite joints with 3-D BEM. The proposed work combines both analytical and computational approaches. Analytical studies on the BEM (2-D and 3-D) will be directed towards (a) developing Green's functions for layered composites with dislocations; (b) developing Green's functions for delamination cracks and interacting cracks within the layers; (c) developing Green's functions for the layered composites with geometric discontinuities. Computational studies will then focus on (a) developing very efficient and accurate algorithms to calculate the 3-D Green's functions in cracked composite joints; (b) formulating a nonlinear analysis to the contact problems between deformable bolts and bolted boundary. Results from the analytical and computational developments will be combined to leapfrog current technologies in stress and stature analyses of composite joints.


Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The proposed research addresses development of the 3-D boundary element methods (BEM) for bolted/bonded composite joints with discrete cracks. It aims at establishing novel, efficient, and highly accurate methodologies to predict stress and strain distribuation in cracked composite joints with 3-D BEM in a user-friendly Window enironment. The proposed work combiens both analytical and computational approaches. Analytical studies on the BEM (2-D and 3-D) will be directed towards (a) developing Green's functions for layered composites with dislocations; (b)developing Green's functions with point forces and dilocations for delamination cracks and interacting cracks within the layers; (c) developing Green's functions for the layered composites with geometric discontinuties. Computational Studies will then focus on (a) developing very efficient and accurate algorithms to calculate the 3-D Green's functions in cracked composite joints' (b) formulating a nonlinear analysis to the contact problems betwen deformable bolts an bolted boundary; (c) developing a symmetric BEM formulation. Results fro the analytical and computational developments will be combined to leapfrog current technologies in stress and fracture analyses of composite joints.