An Optical Parametric Oscillator Laser (OPOL) AN/GVS-5 Based Mid-Infrared Chemical Remote Sensor
Award last edited on: 6/7/2004

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Allen R Geiger

Company Information

Lasen Inc (AKA: Petro Lazer)

300 North Telshor Suite 400
Las Cruces, NM 88011
   (505) 522-5110
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Dona Ana

Phase I

Contract Number: F33615-95-C-1739
Start Date: 6/8/1995    Completed: 1/8/1996
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The proposed research will provide a design of a laser radar which uses frequency agile laser technology in the spectral region from 1.5 um to 4.0 um. This project will use direct diode pumped optical parametric oscillator laser (OPOL) to provide mid-infrared laser radiation. Optical parametric amplifier laser (OPAL) technology will be used to amplify and frequency up-shift the mid-infrared radiation. The initial design exercise will examine the retro-fit of the AN/GVS5 laser rangefinder with the mid-IR technology, with additional emphasis on the use of the mid-IR technologies for airborne platforms.

Laser Radar Optical Parametric Oscillator Optical Parametric Amplifier Mid-Infrared Frequency Agile

Phase II

Contract Number: F33615-97-C-1161
Start Date: 9/30/1997    Completed: 9/30/1999
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The proposed effort will use the AN/GVS-5 rangefinder as a platform to construct a mid-infrared DIAL type lidar. An optical parametric oscillator laser (OPOL) will produce tunable infrared radiation in the 3-5 um region. The lidar receiver will employ an optical parametric amplifier (OPOL) to enhance the signal to noise ratio of the system. The resulting DIAL system will be man portable with a detection limit 1ppm at 0.5km.

Opa Opo Man Portable Lidar Diode Pumped Mid-Infrared