The objective of this project is to extend the existing Message Translator and Validator (MTV) model's range of applicability for a variety of application areas and platforms. The MTV model is a scalable set of Ada code templates and generics that convert between external communication formats and application-specific data formats. In Phase I we will apply the Object-Connection-Update (OCU) model to the existing MTV model to create a new OCU-style MTV model. We will define typical scenarios of use in several application areas, create instances of the OCU-style MTV model based on the scenarios, and compile, execute, test, and measure the instances on a variety of platforms. We will organize the results in a final report. Application areas being explored include: command and control, training simulators, engineering design and analysis simulators, real-time embedded, and factory automation. Platforms to be used include: Macintosh, IBM, and Sun. The PRISM Program at ESC/ENS is using the existing MTV model and is interested in its commercialization. PRISM would like the model entered into the CARDS library as a "preferred product" to support the PRISM/CARDS efforts to establish a command center store for engineering command centers. This proposal begins that commercialization effort.