Proposal to Develop Concept Demonstration Prototype of PIDP Radar Data Extraction Sysfor Airbase Env Analyses Aircraft Information for Environmental
Award last edited on: 9/17/2002

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Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Richard D Horonjeff

Company Information

Harris Miller & Hanson Inc

15 New England Exceutive Office Park
Burlington, MA 01803
   (781) 229-0707
Location: Single
Congr. District: 06
County: Middlesex

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Noise has consistently been the highest visibility environmental issue facing civil and military air facilities in the United States and abroad. Over the past two decades, models and databases of increasing computational accuracy and sophistication have been developed for depicting environmental impact. In many situations however, input data reliability, not model sophistication, has been the limiting factor in the overall accuracy and defensibility of the end product. This study investigates the feasibility of automatically accessing digitally encoded data from the Air Force's air traffic control Programmable Indicator Data Processor (PIDP) and using this data to develop input to the DoD NOISEMAP/BASEOPS computer programs. Objectives of the project are (1) to assess and document hardware options for extracting data from the PIDP system and to determine the preliminary requirements for an automated, on-site data extraction and storage system, (2) to assess the feasibility of developing a sufficiently sized database to accurately determine annual average values of data parameters (such as flight corridors, altitude and speed profiles, numbers of operations, runway and corridor use), and (3) to assess the feasibility of developing a computer-based, interactive system for generating NOISEMAP/BASEOPS input parameters directly from this database in a consistent and repeatable fashion.

radar noisemap baseops arts noise aircraft airbase

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Numerous successful civil airport environmental studies, public relations programs, and noise and operations monitoring systems have demonstrated the value of air terminal radar data in engineering analyses and public presentations. Current data playback technology uses the continuously recorded data from the Federal Aviation Administrations' Automated Terminal Radar System (ARTS) to identify the location of aircraft flight corridors, determine variability in aircraft climb and descent procedures, and correlate with measured community noise levels. The value of radar data lies in improved credibility and defensibility of environmental documents, often leading to reduced costs and delays in environmental proceedings. Most military airfields, however, are not served by ARTS radar systems. They employ a DOD equivalent which, unfortunately, has no data recording capability. Hence, there is no way for the technologies developed in the civil arena to benefit the military. The technical objective of this proposal is to develop a concept demonstration prototype of a portable, low-cost, state-of-the-art system which would acquire and store radar information from military systems. To complete this concept demonstration, the data captured by the system would be replayed using an HMMH software product, FLIGHT, designed for managing large radar databases for use with environmental noise analyses.