The goals of this project are a design and an implementation plan for a parallel programming environment (ppe) that integrates development of new pamhel programs# conversion of sequential programs to parallel structure, functional validation and performance analysis. The ppi^ will integrate a directed graph mode^ of para^^e^ coinputatioh, including ^fisualization and algorithm animation, with an object=oriented formu^atioh of ekecutabie components, the parallel stmcture of the computation will be captured as hierarchically structured directed graphs in a visual rep^sentation that combines control and data now and can be translated to multiple or heterogeneous parallt:l execution enviroruuents. Most of the technological base for this ppe already exists among the code series of parallel programming envirormients developed at the ljniversity of texas at austin, the sesiworkbench modeling system and the e/s.p interactive suppo. System for conversion of fortran programs to parallel structure developed and marketed by ses . Mese systems sha^ hierarchical directed models as a common conceptual foundation and have had their effectiveness in their domains well-established. Me challenge and the goal of this project is to integrate these ca^iabiiities with the object model of sonware components into a unified implemeniation that retains and adds to their individual capabilities .
Keywords: High Performance Computing Software Design Environments Parallel Computing Systems Visual