Development of the Warfighting Effectiveness Evaluation System
Award last edited on: 8/27/2002

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Stanley L Spaulding

Company Information

Vector Research Inc

PO Box 1506
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
   (313) 973-9200
Location: Single
Congr. District: 06
County: Washtenaw

Phase I

Contract Number: F33657-89-C-2234
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The objective of the proposed research is to develop a preliminary design for a decision support system which can be used by ASD connection with advanced transport technology R&D planning. The system will exploit existing results produced by the vector-3 airland campaign model and will permit evaluation of the relative contribution of alternative tactical transport concept designs to the warfighting capabilities of the supported force. Products of the Phase I research will include the preliminary design of the decision support system and a data base of results extracted from existing vector-3 runs.

Phase II

Contract Number: F33657-91-C-2289
Start Date: 1/1/1991    Completed: 1/1/1993
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
This proposal is for modification of an SBIR Phase I contract to provide for an initial development effort associated with a proposed SBIRPhase II effort. The objective of the Phase II effort is the development of an operational system for use in evaluating alternative tactical airlifter design concepts. The system would relate measures of tactical airlifter porductivity to measures of the warfighting effectiveness of the supported force. When used in conjunction with a simulation of tactical airlift operations such as GAMM, the system would provide a rapid turnaround analysis capability to evaluate the warfighting effectiveness impacts of airlifter and transport system capabilities, airlifter roles and missions, and airlifter fleet size and mix. It would provide quantitative warfighting effectiveness results associated with specific airlifter design alternatives. The system would include regression relationships based on analysis of detailed results of parametric runs of the VECTOR-3 AirLand campaign model; each run would describe transport system productivity and warfighting effectiveness in a simulated war. This Phase I modification would allow for development of a prototype version of the system software into which the actual regression relationships developed in Phase II would later be embedded.