The several disadvantages of current RPV propulsion systems (e.g. high audible noise and infrared signatures, unreliable starting, short storage life, routine run-ups, and fueling and run-up before launch) can be eliminated in an electric propulsion system. This phase I effort will demonstrate the performance capability of a brushless DC motor with gear reducer and electronic controller system that is configured for optimum size and weight. The gear reducer will allow the motor to benefit from the inherent size, weight and efficiency advantages of a high speed dc motor. The system will be designed to provide adequate power for both RPV cruise (5 hp) and climb (10 hp) conditions. The required power levels will be demonstrated in a bench test using a propeller especially designed to absorb the power at the same propeller speeds encountered in flight (approximately 5000 and 6300 rpm). Feasibility of the proposed system will be judged by the bench test demonstration of power, speed, motor temperature rise, total system weight, and overall system efficiency.