Demand Driven Healthcare Scheduling Using Flexible Shifts And Monte Carlo SimulatAward last edited on: 7/3/12
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NINRTotal Award Amount
$848,044Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
Donald ScipioneCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43NR011129-01Start Date: 00/00/00 Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
2008Phase I Amount
$98,044Public Health Relevance:
An ageing population with increasing lifespan, coupled with healthcare worker retirements and high turnover, is exacerbating the shortage of healthcare workers. The USA nurse shortage of 200,000 workers in 2008 is estimated to be 1,000,000 by 2014. Healthcare worker shortages can be significantly reduced, possibly eliminated, and healthcare worker morale improved, by using flexible shifts that are harmonious with worker lifestyles to schedule staff precisely according to demand for medical service.
Public Health Relevance:
Project Narrative An ageing population with increasing lifespan, coupled with healthcare worker retirements and high turnover, is exacerbating the shortage of healthcare workers. The USA nurse shortage of 200,000 workers in 2008 is estimated to be 1,000,000 by 2014. Healthcare worker shortages can be significantly reduced, possibly eliminated, and healthcare worker morale improved, by using flexible shifts that are harmonious with worker lifestyles to schedule staff precisely according to demand for medical service.
Thesaurus Terms:
There Are No Thesaurus Terms On File For This Project.
Phase II
Contract Number: 2R44NR011129-02Start Date: 00/00/00 Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
2010(last award dollars: 2011)
Phase II Amount
$750,000Public Health Relevance:
An ageing population with increasing lifespan, coupled with healthcare worker retirements and high turnover, is exacerbating the shortage of healthcare workers. The USA nurse shortage of 200,000 workers in 2008 is estimated to be 1,000,000 by 2014, with similar estimates for medical technologists. Phase I found that healthcare worker shortage can be reduced by 4 percent and healthcare worker morale improved by using flexible shifts that are harmonious with worker lifestyles to schedule staff precisely according to demand for medical service. In Phase II, Acme Express, Inc. will employ a simple but powerful technology, Monte-Carlo Simulation, to automatically build the staff schedule, minimize periods of overstaffing, and significantly reduce healthcare labor costs.
Public Health Relevance Statement:
Project Narrative An ageing population with increasing lifespan, coupled with healthcare worker retirements and high turnover, is exacerbating the shortage of healthcare workers. The USA nurse shortage of 200,000 workers in 2008 is estimated to be 1,000,000 by 2014, with similar estimates for medical technologists. Phase I found that healthcare worker shortage can be reduced by 4% and healthcare worker morale improved by using flexible shifts that are harmonious with worker lifestyles to schedule staff precisely according to demand for medical service. In Phase II, Acme Express, Inc. will employ a simple but powerful technology, Monte-Carlo Simulation, to automatically build the staff schedule, minimize periods of overstaffing, and significantly reduce healthcare labor costs.
Project Terms:
Age; Algorithms; American; Businesses; Care, Health; Chief Executive Officers, Hospital; Clinical; Computer Programs; Computer software; Cost Savings; Coupled; Discipline of Nursing; Goals; Grant; HOSP; Health Care Costs; Health Care Providers; Health Costs; Health Personnel; Healthcare; Healthcare Costs; Healthcare Providers; Healthcare worker; Hospital CEO; Hospital Chief Executive Officers; Hospitals; Hour; Human Resources; Institution; Investments; Knowledge; Length of Life; Life Style; Lifestyle; Longevity; Manpower; Manuals; Marketing; Measures; Medical; Methods; Mission; Morale; Nurses; Nursing; Nursing Field; Nursing Profession; Ohio; Personnel, Nursing; Phase; Physicians; Population; Position; Positioning Attribute; Process; Productivity; Research; Retirement; SCHED; Saving, Cost; Savings; Schedule; Scheduling and Staffing; Services; Software; Survey Instrument; Surveys; Technology; Time; Work; college; commercial application; commercialization; computer program/software; cost; design; designing; flexibility; health care personnel; health care worker; health provider; healthcare personnel; improved; innovate; innovation; innovative; life span; lifespan; medical personnel; meetings; personnel; phase 1 study; public health relevance; simulation; treatment provider