RAID Technology Innovative Research, Predictive and Causal Modeling for NAVSEA
Award last edited on: 3/4/2024

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Vladimir Yakhnis

Company Information

Stilman Advanced Strategies LLC (AKA: STILMAN)

501 South Cherry Street Suite 1100
Denver, CO 80246
   (303) 717-2110
Location: Single
Congr. District: 01
County: Denver

Phase I

Contract Number: N00178-04-C-3016
Start Date: 11/25/2003    Completed: 5/23/2004
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
We propose to develop and demonstrate a new architecture for engineering human understanding into automated combat systems. This architecture will provide a conceptual framework for human-centered automated combat systems satisfying reduced-manning requirements of the transformed future Navy. The approach is based on Linguistic Geometry (LG), a mathematical theory for strategic superiority discovery. The most significant advantages of the LG approach are modeling of the intelligent enemy and extraordinarily fast automatic generation of best strategies, tactics and COA for all the sides of a conflict. We will also develop the operational specifications of an LG-based software tool, LG-SEAGUARD, representing management of automated combat systems processing within a reduced-manning CIC and aviation command and control nodes using the above architecture. LG-SEAGUARD will reflect the specifics of the Navy and Joint operations at various levels of resolution. It will generate the best strategies and tactics for all sides of a conflict by optimizing them against various criteria to reflect different types of military operations. LG-SEAGUARD will be dynamic and adaptable to the strategy and tactics of its human adversary. It will plan the operation, allocate resources with minimal cost to achieve certain probability of success (defined by a planner), generate and assess possible courses of actions (COA) for all sides, select counteractions, control operation by re-planning in real time, and play and re-play various what-if scenarios. LG-SEAGUARD will achieve all 3 levels of situational awareness, Perception, Comprehension, and Projection.

We anticipate a successful development of a revolutionary new approach to strategy generation and assessment, as well as reliable and well-structured software capable of support of the LG-based Next Generation Wargaming. These techniques will provide revolutionary advances in generation of cognitive operational models of the current and future military campaigns. In addition, LG-based wargaming will support US, allied and friendly professional military education programs, both in residence and distance-learning as well as US and international college defense studies programs. In addition, it will support simulation based acquisition of weapon systems. Immediate implications for the non-defense will be as follows: New comprehensive decision support and management and allocation of scarce resources for air traffic management (ATM); New products for interactive entertainment software (IES) industry; New solutions and models for market economics as well as political contests. Completion of the Phase I of the project will result in comprehensive specs for the software and a limited demo (developed at STILMANs expense) to be expanded as a full-scale wargaming software model in Phase II. Phase I will also result in development of the technological and theoretical foundations of LG-based wargaming. The above, coupled with extraordinary successful record of STILMANs software development (Section E.1), will guarantee the success of both Phases.

SA 2 Comprehension, SA 2 Comprehension, Linguistic Geometry, LG zones, SA 3 Projection, LG trajectories, SA 1 Perception, human-centric interface, COA generation

Phase II

Contract Number: N00178-17-C-7000
Start Date: 8/21/2017    Completed: 8/20/2020
Phase II year
(last award dollars: 2019)
Phase II Amount

STILMANs Linguistic Geometry, Real-time Adversarial Intelligence and Decision-making (LG-RAID) Technology combined with Hypergame technology will improve tactical mission planning and weapon-target pairing within complex strategic and tactical environments. This will improve mission planning and execution of single/multi-ship task groups engaging complex/futuristic threats by improving situational awareness (SA) in limited Information States. To improve SA, LG-RAID constructs predictive Courses of Action (COAs) and displays them via animation to the tactical system controller. The actors within this battlespace are entities or aggregated units of enemy and friendly forces executing their tactical actions. To refine and analyze selected COAs in real-time, the tactical team members can pre-play the mission in slow motion, or a fast-forward mode. These modes allow the commander to modify the mission objectives and starting conditions, make in-execution changes, or quickly conduct What-if analysis. This allows the operator(s) and distributed team to clarify the mission objectives, responsibilities, critical timing, etc. To support reduced reaction time engagements, LG-RAIDs weapon-target pairing will be adapted into fully automated control interface. STILMAN will plan, execute and support the research, development and transition of this technology to the Aegis Common Baseline (ACB 20 or higher), Command and Decision application per the direction of the sponsor.

This system can be used by Commercial Security Firms, Law Enforcement, and DHS in municipal and Federal Law Enforcement applications. The system can ingest large amounts of data and perform automatic planning, coordination and correlations of sensors in monitoring specific targets. This capability will decrease military I law enforcement/ first responder planning and analysis times in using sensing assets as well as the time required to complete the mission. Additionally, this system will enable law enforcement to increase the competency of the threat (e.g., scale the threat competency up or down) for training and

automated predictive planning, multi-threat COA analysis, Linguistic Geometry, Adversarial reasoning, Ballistic Missile Defense, Surface Action Group, enhanced decision support, LG hypergames