Tactical laser sources delivering high peak power (from multi-MW to TW) in agile optical pulse trains at high pulse repetition frequency (PRF) in the 3.5-4 µm wavelength region are of interest for several military applications including proactive infrared countermeasures (PIRCM), non-lethal munitions, and remote sensing of battlefield threats. To meet the needs for future tactical lasers, Aculight proposes to develop, build, and deliver a transportable, highly flexible, fiber-based high-peak-power optical source capable of operating at mid-infrared wavelengths. The proposed laser technology provides direct access to regimes of operation that are challenging or off limits for traditional pulse solid-state sources intended for military use. The rugged, fiber-based nature of the laser enables rapid transition to battlefield deployment.
Keywords: Fiber Laser,Ultra-Fast Laser,Chirped-Pulsed Laser