Novel Informatics for Highly Reliable Multi-Locus Allele Calling for Embryo ScreeAward last edited on: 7/15/10
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NICHDTotal Award Amount
$1,689,902Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
Matthew RabinowitzCompany Information
Natera Inc (AKA: GSN~Gene Security Network)
13011 Mccallen Pass Building A Suite 100
San Carlos, CA 78753
San Carlos, CA 78753
(650) 249-9090 |
info@natera.com |
www.natera.com |
Location: Multiple
Congr. District: 15
County: Travis
Congr. District: 15
County: Travis
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43HD054958-01A1Start Date: 4/15/07 Completed: 10/14/07
Phase I year
2007Phase I Amount
$195,749Thesaurus Terms:
There Are No Thesaurus Terms On File For This Project.
Phase II
Contract Number: 2R44HD054958-02A2Start Date: 8/1/06 Completed: 6/30/10
Phase II year
2008(last award dollars: 2009)
Phase II Amount
$1,494,153Public Health Relevance:
As data associating disease phenotypes with genotype continues to grow, the question arises: how can this knowledge be used to improve the quality of life and health? With this grant, Gene Security Network will thoroughly validate a technology for screening embryos during in-vitro fertilization for a multiplicity of disease linked genes and TM aneuploidy. This technology, termed Parental Support (PS) which is built on the fundamental principles of meiosis and data that has recently become available through the human genome project. Compared to existing technologies, PS enables: i) determination of disease linked loci with roughly two orders of magnitude lower error rates; ii) determination of multiple disease-linked loci in parallel; iii) determination of aneuploidy with roughly two orders of magnitude lower error rates; and iv) determination of aneuploidy across all chromosomes together with multiple disease-linked loci all from a single cell. GSN is developing the enhanced reporting system, statistical methods, and wet-lab infrastructure to offer this service to the leading IVF centers who have signed letters of intent to purchase the service, and then to the worldwide IVF community. Funding for this study will enable us to validate the performance of the diagnostic with known truth models on single cells, and to validate predictions made from a single blastomere by comparing those predictions with genetic data measured when a child is born. Roughly 152,000 and 653,000 IVF cycles were performed in 2006 in the US and internationally. The rate of growth of PGD is roughly 33% annually. Funding for this study will enable us to validate the performance of the diagnostic with known truth models on single cells, and to validate predictions made from a single blastomere by comparing those predictions with genetic data measured when a child is born. GSN's PS technology of will bring the domain of PGD into the realm of reliable diagnostics which can be regulated and used as part of the standard of care during in-vitro fertilization.
Public Health Relevance:
This Public Health Relevance is not available.
Thesaurus Terms:
There Are No Thesaurus Terms On File For This Project.