Aircraft High-Power Semiconductor Line Contactors
Award last edited on: 10/31/2007

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
DOD : Navy
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Ronald C Cooper

Company Information

Higher Power Engineering (AKA: HPE)

738 Archie Whitesides Road Suite 100
Gastonia, NC 28052
   (704) 868-9797
Location: Single
Congr. District: 14
County: Gaston

Phase I

Contract Number: N68335-05-C-0220
Start Date: 4/14/2005    Completed: 10/14/2005
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Proposal to access modification of current static transfer switch (STS) product technology for military aircraft operation. High-speed STS in the 120/208 voltage range have been available for government use for several years. However these 60Hz switches will require significant control and packaging modifications for military aircraft installation. Higher Power Engineering (HPE) has significant experience working with STS units which are installed at every FAA Air Routing Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) throughout the US. HPE proposes to investigate current design technology and establish the feasibility of modification/redesign of these specialized products to meet or exceed the topic needs. HPE will work with several manufactures to determine the magnitude of modifications needed and technical risk involved to package these units for aircraft installation. Through contacts with DoD engineers a specification will be developed which shall be used as a foundation for the proposed investigation. This effort will establish a clear path of the engineering, assembly, and testing process that would take place under Phase II. By utilizing current product technology as the foundation of the Topic, effort total project cost will be decreased while technical risk nearly eliminated.

Static Switch Transfer Switch Ac Static Switch Power Electronics

Phase II

Contract Number: N68335-07-C-0033
Start Date: 12/6/2006    Completed: 12/15/2008
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Proposal to perform research and development effort to complete the engineering efforts for a High-Current Semiconductor Line Contactor for aircraft use. Under previous funding it was determined that it was feasible to construct a high-speed electronic switch for transfer between multiple 400 Hz power sources. Proposed is a step-by-step effort to complete the development of such a device. Each sub- component is performance tested during the 24 month program. The qualifying of each major sub-component will enhance the feasibility of the final design performing as expected. Testing is also included for the final prototype design. The effort includes coordination with semiconductor and mechanical supplies of customized parts. Off the self items will not meet the program requirements for size and capacity.
