Proposal to access modification of current static transfer switch (STS) product technology for military aircraft operation. High-speed STS in the 120/208 voltage range have been available for government use for several years. However these 60Hz switches will require significant control and packaging modifications for military aircraft installation. Higher Power Engineering (HPE) has significant experience working with STS units which are installed at every FAA Air Routing Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) throughout the US. HPE proposes to investigate current design technology and establish the feasibility of modification/redesign of these specialized products to meet or exceed the topic needs. HPE will work with several manufactures to determine the magnitude of modifications needed and technical risk involved to package these units for aircraft installation. Through contacts with DoD engineers a specification will be developed which shall be used as a foundation for the proposed investigation. This effort will establish a clear path of the engineering, assembly, and testing process that would take place under Phase II. By utilizing current product technology as the foundation of the Topic, effort total project cost will be decreased while technical risk nearly eliminated.
Keywords: Static Switch Transfer Switch Ac Static Switch Power Electronics