Intermediate Temperature Carbon/Carbon Structures
Award last edited on: 3/1/2007

Sponsored Program
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Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Louis Anthony Pilato

Company Information

Pilato Consulting

598 Watchung Road
Bound Brook, NJ 08805
   (732) 469-4057

Research Institution


Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Carbon-carbon structures are traditionally designed and optimized for high temperature applications. They have very high temperature capability under inert atmospheric conditions but suffer from thermo-oxidative instability above ~700oF without oxidation protection and result in poor mechanical strength. Nanoparticles based on either nanoclay or POSS materials in conjunction with tethering these nanoparticles will be introduced within the carbon-carbon composition prior to cure. The development of the nanocomposite phase within a resin matrix system results in outstanding property benefits such as improved mechanical strength, reduced thermal oxidation, among other improvements. Co-cure/co-carbonization of these resulting nanoparticle modified carbon-carbon compositions is expected to provide improved and maintained mechanical strength by preventing the diffusion of oxygen (oxidation) within the resulting carbon-carbon composites (CCC). This will extend the capabilities of the current CCC materials with improved thermo-oxidative stability and long-term application at 700-1200oF with higher compressive/tensile strength in this temperature range. A nanocomposite phase combined with phenolic cyanate ester carbon-carbon carbon composites will be formulated, fabricated, and tested for mechanical properties at room and elevated temperatures (700o to 1200oF) for 1000 hr. Improved thermo-oxidative stability, enhanced mechanical properties at elevated temperatures are expected. This new CCC technology will be able to replace titanium alloy applications with substantial weight savings.

Carbon-Carbon Composites, Nanoparticles, Poss Nanostructured Material, Nanoclay, High Temperature Applications, Polymer Nanocomposite, Thermo-Ox

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount