Validation Of Alcohol Exposure Biomarkers Via Affinity Mass SpectrometryAward last edited on: 6/13/11
Sponsored Program
SBIRAwarding Agency
NIH : NIAAATotal Award Amount
$883,876Award Phase
2Solicitation Topic Code
-----Principal Investigator
Urban A KiernanCompany Information
Phase I
Contract Number: 1R43AA016223-01Start Date: 00/00/00 Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
2006Phase I Amount
$109,460Thesaurus Terms:
alcoholic beverage consumption, biomarker, matrix assisted laser desorption ionization, method development chelating agent clinical research, human subject
Phase II
Contract Number: 2R44AA016223-02Start Date: 9/20/06 Completed: 8/31/11
Phase II year
2009(last award dollars: 2010)
Phase II Amount
$774,416Public Health Relevance:
Alcohol abuse has a significant impact on our society, yet there are no accurate biomarker tests for prognostic, diagnostic or treatment efficacy assessment currently available. This application is to validate new biomarkers of excessive alcohol exposure using a novel in pipettor tip immuno-affinity mass spectrometry based assay. Clearly, accurate and specific biomolecular assays are of great importance, positively impacting the associated health, financial and emotional repercussions of alcohol abuse.
Thesaurus Terms:
Acute; Affinity; Alcohol Abuse; Alcohols; Antigens, Differentiation; Assay; Bioassay; Biologic Assays; Biological Assay; Chemical Class, Alcohol; Chronic; Clinical; Clinical Sensitivity; Development; Devices; Diagnostic Or Prognostic Tests; Differentiation Antigens; Differentiation Markers; Educational Workshop; Emotional; Engineering; Engineerings; Evaluation; Expression Profiling; Expression Signature; Feedback; Funding; Goals; Grant; Health; Heavy Drinking; Hospitals, Psychiatric; Marker Antigens; Markers, Differentation; Mass Spectrum; Mass Spectrum Analysis; Medicine; Mental Hospitals; Mental Institutions; Metric; Molecular Fingerprinting; Molecular Profiling; Niaaa; National Institute On Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism; Nature; Performance; Phase; Photometry/Spectrum Analysis, Mass; Process; Programs (Pt); Programs [publication Type]; Proteins; Psychiatric Hospitals; Research; Sampling; Science Of Medicine; Sensitivity And Specificity; Societies; Spectrometry, Mass; Spectroscopy, Mass; Spectrum Analyses, Mass; Spectrum Analysis, Mass; Suggestion; Treatment Efficacy; Validation; Variant; Variation; Work; Workshop; Addiction; Alcohol Exposed; Alcohol Exposure; Alcohol Problem; Base; Biomarker; Cohort; Drink Heavily; Drinking; Ethanol Abuse; Ethanol Exposed; Ethanol Exposure; Excess Alcohol Consumption; Excess Alcohol Ingestion; Excess Ethanol Ingestion; Excessive Alcohol Consumption; Excessive Alcohol Ingestion; Excessive Alcohol Intake; Excessive Drinking; Excessive Ethanol Ingestion; Experiment; Experimental Research; Experimental Study; Exposed To Alcohol; Exposure To Alcohol; Extreme Drinking; Gene Product; Hazardous Alcohol Use; Heavy Alcohol Use; High Throughput Analysis; Interest; Meetings; Mental Health Facility; Molecuar Profile; Molecular Signature; Novel; Problem Drinking; Programs; Public Health Relevance; Research Study; Response; Therapeutic Efficacy; Therapeutically Effective