Future detectors and arrays for visible, IR, and submillimeter imaging and spectroscopy require much higher speed digitizers than are currently available. In particular, low-power (< 5 W) space-qualified digitizers with > 10 GHz bandwidth and sampling at > 10 Gs/s are needed to enable next generation digital submillimeter spectrometers. These digitizers must also interface to typical digital signal processing logic using e.g. LVDS I/O. To meet these needs, Hittite proposes an innovative digitizer combining a high-speed (10 Gs/s), wideband (10 GHz), moderate-resolution (6 bit) ADC with a companion digital demux to reduce the data rate and present LVDS-compatible outputs to e.g. Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGAs. The proposed SiGe HBT technology offers high reliability and radiation tolerance for space missions. A conceptual design was developed in Phase I. During Phase II, the ADC and demux chips will be designed, laid out, and fabricated. Prototype digitizer modules will be assembled into a small module, tested, and delivered during a Phase III effort. The initial two-chip digitzer reduces development risk. The technology will readily support a single-chip solution to further reduce size, weight, and power while improving system reliability in future programs.